Sunday, November 14, 2004

Skinny Dipping

Had a good swim today at 4pm. The last time I went there they said they closed at 4pm.

There was hardly anyone at the pool. I started off really stiff but felt more relaxed very quickly. Did each set faster.
I asked the Korean guy in my lane to swim to the side, not in the middle.
He asked me, "Do you know Nick?"
I said, "I am Nick."
Apparently I had coached him a few months ago, on his tumbleturn. I asked him how it had come along. He said, "You won't be satisfied. While I was swimming I glanced over and saw he wasn't tumbling so I asked him to show me. Not bad. Just needed a bit more momentum.

Really mixed the swim up. Some kicking, pulling, and stroking, and the usual length underwater.
They turned all the lights off at closing time, so that it was really dark. One guy was swimming butterfly. I stopped to watch him. The pool looked so cool in the dark with just one guy swimming in it. I really wanted to dive in again. It had that sort of romantic, skinny dip quality.

When I got out I weighed myself. 78kg exactly. For a moment it looked like it may even be 77.95kg. Chatted to the guy who knew me again while I got changed. He said I was looking a lot better than the last time he saw me. Seems he thinks I look better being a bit heavier. Strange. He said his name is Chris. Will try to remember that. He also said there's a Canadian or South African guy who knows me, who swims at the Olympic Sport Centre. Can't think who that is. Maybe it's JD.

Right foot is hurting a little but I think I'll be alright. I may be do a very easy one lap run and then check to see whether my school has paid me. Jan called to play Counterstrike but I think I need to cut down.

I'm feeling good about my weight. Will join the gym and Mark Allen's eGrip tonight or tomorrow.
 Posted by Hello

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