Saturday, November 20, 2004

Follow the Yellow Brick Road

Sincheon and Hongdae (don't say Hong GIK and don't ask me why!) are good places to go out and have fun on a Friday or Saturday. Last night was extremely quiet. Is most of Seoul sick in bed this weekend?

Our first stop in Hongdae (we caught the subway - one stop away - from Sincheon to Hongdae) was cod (pronounced 'code'). They had a special Temptation Party in addition to the fact that Jan, Ted and Dorothy all had birthdays and were having a bash here. So it was triply strange that there was barely a handful of people inside. I thought it was just a matter of time so I would just bide my time.

I also ran into an ex-colleague of mine, and not my favorite human being in the universe it has to be said unfortunately. I guess it is fair to say he is the worst teacher we ever had at our school, and that is saying something.
He came over to me and he gave me his handphone at one point and had me talk to someone about a previous disagreement - he was really stirring and we ended up having quite a loud and long conversation in the cod's hallway just outside the toilets. I felt very loopy, because I so seldom go out and here I was in a verbal slanging match, and I didn't really care about what was going on. But since I was there I told him a few things, and he told me a few things, and we shook hands afterwards.

When I emerged from The Great Debate I expected to see a new, and livelier cod(that's how long we were talking) but it was still the same shadows haunting the floor, and the same dancefloor devoid of anything but lights and a few dancers who Valentin assured me were hired. Valentin asked if we could go somewhere else because the place just remained DEAD. So we did.

I greeted Ted on the way out. Jan and Dorothy had both already left! Valentin chuckled that Jan had ditched his own party. We saw him a few minutes later at Funky Funky but he didn't seem to see us. We left and searched the unusually quiet streets for some signs of life.  Posted by Hello

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