Friday, November 05, 2004

Fitting In

At school today we had to color all the edible items on a page, with eight items in all. The funny thing was that one of them was a dog, so I had the boys who saw a puppy as a friend color it in blue, the girls pink, and the others who thought dogs were delicious, color it in brown, for chocolate.
Also managed to repossess a class by offering a tiny green candy for the best behaved student. Result: angelic behaviour for almost 40 minutes.

Last night I did get to bed earlier, but still not quite early enough.

My right foot is feeling even more tender than yesterday, even though I didn't exercise yesterday. Maybe I must try to stay off it completely. I think I will only swim today.

I am really glad it is Friday. Adding the extra work and more regular exercise in one go has been quite an adjustment, and lack of sleep has obviously not helped. I feel I can still improve with regard to sleep and nutrition.  Posted by Hello

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