Sunday, November 07, 2004

300 Metres

It was a long, unpleasant walk (the wrong way and back as it turned out), but once we were inside the theatre it was all warm and fuzzy. Umoja means togetherness. This show did well in London before coming here. The Koreans seem to enjoy it immensely, and we did too.
It does make you look at South Africa, and even the humble and simple things about your country, and appreciate and love them. It was produced 'by the people' so speak - it is an All African production, and aspects of it were brilliant, but some, it has to be said, were just okay. Gumboots I thought was better. But I did feel myself going goosey at least half a dozen times. The narrator spoke with a lot of the nuances of Madiba, which I liked a lot.  Posted by Hello

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