Sunday, March 12, 2006

West Coast: Time Warp

Today was weird. Interesting, but also disconcerting. A dead body on the beach at Paternoster, an eerie Iron ore mine on a desert landscape...looking like the set of a Mad Max movie, a young girls jiggling boobs at Vredenburg, fossils of sabre toothed cats on ancient dunes and a place called Tittiesbaai (Titsbay), filled with a cult of campers.

5 million years ago this place, Mykonos, was submerged under 20-25metres of water. Sabre toothed cats (curved teeth as long as your foot) roamed, until the climate changed. Now, the Berg River erupts into the ocean more than 20km to the north. Originally, the Berg river flowed into the sea here, where we are. The whole landscape has changed. Where we walk used to be submerged.

Yesterday was very windy. I cycled 25km in just over an hour. Felt okay. Slight swollen throat yesterday, but it's better today. Tried to eat light, mostly seafood, rice and fruit.

There is not time to write about the man who drowned at Paternoster. But death drew a crowd, a rescue boat, and a helicopter, as well as two ambulances. This morning, and it was a perfectly good morning, a man decided to go paddling out to sea. He fell in the water and froze to death. And then, life goes on.

Tomorrow we drive back into Cape Town for the 108km Argus Cycle Race. My Polar Heart Rate monitor rates my fitness at 58 (down from 60 a few days ago). A puts my maximum heart rate at 180. Going to try very hard to come in close to 3 hours.

Have taken a number of beautiful photos. Watch this space!

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