Saturday, February 05, 2005

Week 14 Day 5

Cycled to Virgin Active gym, then swam 1km, then ran back (7km, 40 minutes with my bag in the heat).
Easy day, total time about 1:30. Was contemplating doing a second run and swim but abandoned that because my bike was only ready after 18:30, and I just felt a bit tired.

Body feels very tired from Physio which seems to be getting out of hand and way too much too soon. Will have to tell them to cool it next time.

Took the Cannondale in to Cyclotech to replace the Syntace bars with STI's. Cost me R1800 for everything. Even though I drew about R2000 my bank balance was the same as the last time, after I'd taken R2000 out. So it feels like a freebie.
I passed up on going to Cape Town and doing the Mykonos race so I could concentrate on my cycling, and get in a big week this week.

I would have liked to have gone but my body has been pretty tired, and you don't just recover after one or two days from a 140km cycle. You need quite a few days. I felt that in today's (Day 6) cycle race. More on that later.

Diet wise I am buying a lot of fruit - grapes, prickly pears, oranges - and trying to eat these as snacks in between meals. I've cut down a lot on the meat, and since I am going to be running more, I expect to lose a few kg's this week and especially next week.

I can already feel when I swim that the water feels a bit cold, so now I have to guard against catching cold. This sport just ain't easy!

 Posted by Hello

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