Friday, February 25, 2005

Weather With You

Shit happened today:

1) Nearly got blown off my bike by a sidegust from truck.
2) Jean rode into me at about 40km coming off the N1.
3) Adre still has not actioned my Unit Trust despite the Budget coming out and probably causing a spike in value.
4) Went to the bank to enter Ironman but had to transfer funds at the bank of the creditor. What a dumb, antiquated system. Banks closed exactly at 15:30 so I still hadn't done what I set out to do.
5) Terrific deafening thunderstorm caused all the dogs to crouch under the phone. When I walked away, one of the dogs caught a cable and ripped the answering machine onto the floor, breaking it.
6) Had a fiery conversation after dinner which left a bad taste in my mouth.
7) Am feeling not 100% healthy.

Need to survive this week intact. Good things today were the photos of Arthur Nathan pool (and the trip down memory lane), and cycle with Jean and had a good meeting with Yolande during lunchtime.

Also changed the Zipp's sprocket and have inserted the rear wheel.
Need to rest up tomorrow for Saturday's race.
 Posted by Hello

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