Saturday, February 26, 2005

Sick People

This picture is called 'Sick People'.

I am taking Corenza C, which may be inducing drowziness, and a feeling of weakness. I am not sure if it is effective, because my condition may be bacterial. I have been eating a lot of fruit, drinking a lot of fruit juice, which may have just been too much sugar in my system.

When my cellphone's alarm went off at 6am, I did not get up this morning to do the Tour De Bloem. I am really sorry not to have raced it, because I was really gearing up for it, even had the wheels couriered down, and it is probably the last cycle race for a while. I may still have a chance of entering the Argus, but that is just a week before the Ironman.

I will relax over the next day or two and try to build up my immunity. The important thing is to be able to do this race in 3 weeks.
I will watch some TV today and just relax and not be stressed about anything. Posted by Hello

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