Monday, November 24, 2008

A Year ago today (again)

Seems my weight was more or less the same 1 year ago, at 84kg. Despite a lot of training. I am going to make a change from now on and see what happens. When I drink something, it is always going to be water. I notice I drink a lot of fruit juices and sodas. Let's see what happens.
Had a decent 2.4km swim yesterday with Nicky. Ended it off with a length and a half underwater, and could probably have gone further. Good news is that despite resting for the past few days, my weight is under 85 at 84.25kg.
Then, I took a bit of a tumble this morning. A car narrowly missed me, so I was forced to ride through a few inches of dirt and that's when my front wheel said goodbye. If I had been cycling faster I might have been able to stay up. I landed softly enough though. No scratches whatsoever. I guess a boep is good for something after all ;-)
My legs felt surprisingly vrot after not riding for 3 days.
Here are my stats:
HR: 135/167
Distance: 34.4km
Speed Ave: 21.8km/h
Temperature: 14/17/22
Ascent: 630m
KCal: 1395
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