Saturday, November 22, 2008

Global Trends 2025 - and will South Africa wither away?

NVDL: I wonder whether those states referred to in Africa as 'withering away due to crime' include South Africa. Let's face it, crime on the subcontinent is huge. It is virtually a government sport.

If we look at the length of time Zim has withered away while South Africa has stood holding hands watching their own murderous population do their thing, stood by despite the withering impact of AIDS, it's hard to imagine otherwise.
Other projections in "Global Trends 2025": include:
  • Russia's emergence as a world power is clouded by lagging investment in its energy sector and the persistence of crime and government corruption.
  • A government in Eastern or Central Europe could be effectively taken over and run by organized crime. In parts of Africa and South Asia, some states might wither away as governments fail to provide security and other basic needs.
  • The likelihood that nuclear weapons will be used will increase with expanded access to technology and a widening range of options for limited strikes.

  • A full copy of the report is available online at:

    The impact of climate change will be uneven, with some Northern economies, notably Russia and Canada, profiting from longer growing seasons and improved access to resource reserves.
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