Tuesday, November 18, 2008

South Africans competing with alien invader plants for local water resources

7% of our average run-off is consumed by alien invaders. - Kader Asmal

SA Breweries used around four litres of fresh water to produce a litre of beer. Other industries have a higher ratio of consumption to yield, but few are yet taking the first step of voluntarily reviewing what their impact is. - Kader Asmal
clipped from www.iol.co.za

There's certainly room for action on preserving fresh water resources with damming rivers, like the fact that 7 percent of our mean annual run-off is consumed by alien vegetation - that's the equivalent of 26 large dams each year.

In the past, "investment" has meant building dams. As a result, South Africa has 539 dams, by far the most of any African country.

It's common knowledge that South Africa is a water-stressed country and that at current consumption rates our demand for it will outstrip supply by 2015. That overarching imperative demands action and investment.
 Don't be surprised by water-shedding
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Strange that homes dont have water tanks anymore, to catch the rainwater - remember we used to rinse our hair in it when we were children (no chemicals) and it was also used for the vegetable patch everyone had.
Bring back the good oold days!