Wednesday, February 18, 2009

We're hardwired to care - unless we're not paying attention. ER...ARE YOU PAYING ATTENTION TO WHAT'S HAPPENING IN THE WORLD RIGHT NOW? HELLOOO?

HELL-O being the operative word. Yup, some nasty shit is coming our way; not one freight train but several converging on our position. And finally, the day is drawing to a close. Looks like it's gonna be a dark night...

Yesterday I watched a video of Harvard psychologist Daniel Goleman's talk at the 2007 TED (you can watch it here). Goleman discussed brain research which says we are hardwired for empathy and compassion. If we see someone in pain, we automatically want to help.

Unless we aren't paying attention.

Speaking about the environment, Goleman went on to say that the good news is that as long as we can get people to pay attention, because of the empathy hardwiring, they will make the right environmental choices. The trick is getting people to pay attention.

The bad news is, according to the Washington Post, is that "the pace of global warming is likely to be much faster than recent
predictions, because industrial greenhouse gas emissions have increased
more quickly than expected and higher temperatures are triggering
self-reinforcing feedback mechanisms in global ecosystems."

 blog it

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