Friday, February 20, 2009

Julia Roberts Defends Her Children

"I think it should be against the law to take a picture of a celebritys child." - Julia Roberts.

NVDL: They should make a law to this effect. Perhaps children can be made part of a celebrity's personality/intellectual property. Or they can be copyrighted...
clipped from
"I think it should be against the law to take a picture of a celebritys child," notes Julia. "And all the, like, 'Who's got the cutest baby?' I had to restore my faith in people when, one night, I was on the computer, and I ended up stumbling upon some pictures I had never seen of my children playing at a park. What upset me was all these comments like, 'One is cute; that other one sure is ugly.'" People can be so mean!
Despite this downside of celebrity, the 41-year-old actress, who says she is "very fulfilled" in her home life, is ready to return to the spotlight. "A lot of the mom struggle in life is that everything happens within the four walls of the home, and it can lose its luster a little bit, maybe," she admits. "You just have to bring it in from the outside sometimes."
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