Friday, February 27, 2009

$6,500 to watch each Rex Grossman interception - Wayne Burdick gets $27,000 phone bill for watching Bears game online

NVDL: I can commiserate. My online bill at home is high, higher than is sane in the current economic environment.
clipped from
On November 2, Wayne Burdick (not pictured) was aboard a cruise ship in Miami waiting to depart on a Caribbean cruise. While still docked at the port, he set up his laptop and wireless card and accessed his Slingbox device which allowed him to watch a Chicago Bears game via an Internet connection. When the game was over, Burdick closed his computer, embarked on the cruise and returned home to find a bill from AT&T charging him over $27,000 for the three hours of Internet usage.

Apparently, AT&T had charged Brudick the international rate for the access. At two cents per kilobyte, the total charge was $27,788.93 for the time spent watching the game, which breaks down to about $6,500 per Rex Grossman interception.

AT&T acknowledged its mistake, saying that Burdick's device was picking up a signal it shouldn't have been.
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