Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Extremely Hot Weather to blame for fires in South Africa/Australia/California/Greece/ etc.

So you hear the words climate change and you think; hmmm, so it gets a little warmer, so some of the ice caps melt, so what. Right? How can that affect little ol' me in my little air conditioned cubicle in the big nice city filled with distractions and flashing lights.
Ye of little imagination...
CAPE TOWN — At least three historic wine estates in the Somerset West area, Vergelegen, Lourensford and Knorhoek, and an upmarket residential development near the town, were under threat from fierce fires on a front estimated to be 15km long, fire services personnel said yesterday.

Uys blamed extremely hot weather in the province’s fire season for the number of destructive runaway veld fires that had to be brought under control, and said they had put additional strain on CapeNature’s resources. Uys said a further R1,7m had been made available to other local and district municipalities in their fire-fighting effort because the use of helicopters had made the effort expensive.

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