Thursday, February 26, 2009

ANC - The Party's Over [IPSOS MARKINOR]

The results show clearly that the ANCYL is the recipient of the highest degree of intolerance – more than half the respondents who chose the ANCYL as their least liked group, did not want members to stand as candidates in the next election, nor hold a street demonstration or speech in their community. The ANC itself was the second highest target of intolerance but not nearly as strongly disliked as the Youth League.

NVDL: Tell the poor people in the rural areas that...those holding onto hopes and promises and other false starts.

Ipsos Markinor also measured whether supporters of various political parties have any confidence in Julius Malema as a political leader and the result is as follows:

Supporters of the ANC who said that they have do not have much / no confidence at all50%
Supporters of the DA who said that they have do not have much / no confidence at all70%
Supporters of the SACP who said that they have do not have much / no confidence at all32%
All eligible voters in South Africa who said that they have do not have much / no confidence at all54%

The interesting fact is that Malema seems to enjoy the highest level of confidence amongst eligible voters who indicated that they support the SACP. Although the SACP does not participate in elections under their own banner, it is quite revealing to see that confidence in Malema’s abilities obviously emanates quite strongly from the SACP part of the tripartite alliance.

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