Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Are you voting for racism (against whites) this year?

Racial politics within the Congress of the People are said to have cost its founder leader Mosiuoa Lekota the opportunity to become the party’s presidential candidate. -

NVDL: It's interesting when a black man extends a hand to the Afrikaners he is now labelled 'racist'. Mandela would be turning in his grave. Hang on, he's still alive. Imagine if Helen Zille was chastised by 'white' constituents for doing a Zulu dance (I saw just that on TV recently and thought it was great) or singing something in an African language.

It turns out that the more racist your political party, the better your chance of winning. Why? Because South Africans may pretend to be a happy rainbow nation, but when they vote, their racist hearts beat ME FOR MY KIND OF PEOPLE. Sadly, it;s the same political schpiel - tell the people what they want to hear, get voted into power, then continue to serve yourself and the elites.

Zille seems to be a true humanitarian and moral. I hope we'll see her come into power at some stage. That would be a reveral of what has happened in the USA this year. I don't believe South Africans are nearly that sophisticated, democratic or moral to do that. Some are, but not nearly enough, and I fear, not enough to make a difference.
clipped from

Last year Lekota wormed himself into the hearts of the Afrikaaners when during the Cope launch congress sang the well-known Afrikaans liedjie suikerbosie.

Lekota also came out publicly to say that affirmative action could not continue to use race as a criterion – indicating that there were also poor whites who needed to be affirmed. This also put him on a coalition path with a black middle-class within Cope.

Yesterday Lekota put up a brave face at a media briefing where he introduced Dandala, saying he was “thrilled” to have him as the party’s presidential candidate.

He said Cope offered South Africans a new beginning built on values of honesty, integrity, justice and transparency.

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