Thursday, February 19, 2009

Coke Makes Online Blunder

Dumb move from Coke’s part. Here’s a guy doing a good job promoting your company and brand, and shouldn’t he be rewarded in some way? (or left alone?) Coke would probably have lost more money paying someone to do the same job. It boils down to a greedy company that cannot bare the thought of someone else earning money - even if by promoting that company.

A blog is a community thing, and thus its sad that Coke didn’t endorse or support or even encourage this guy. As for me, I went to Coke’s website once and thought - OH KAY and then didn't bother again.

Coke - in terms of online - has shot itself in the foot. Dumb move Coke.
clipped from

Coca-Cola Company responds to closure

clipped from contacted and received the following statement from Kaizer M. Nyatsumba, Public Affairs and Communications Director for Coca-Cola South Africa, regarding the closure of popular MY Coke Fest blog The blog was set up South African blogger Jason Bagley who announced the blogs closure earlier this week following legal action taken by The Coca-Cola Company.

In early December 2008, The Coca-Cola Company became aware of a website being operated at, which contained information and blogs about the MY COKE FEST 2008 events. Of concern to the Company was unauthorized use of its registered and well-known trademarks, including MY COKE FEST, COCA-COLA, COKE and the famous CONTOUR BOTTLE. Large portions of The Coca-Cola Company’s official MY COKE FEST 2008 website had also been copied and reproduced on Mr Bagley’s website in contravention of copyright legislation.

 blog it

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