Saturday, February 21, 2009

Gaddafi 'is funding Zuma'

What's interesting is this report was published a few months ago and subsequently Mbeki HAS been ousted. Gaddaffi is currently head of the African Union (AU) and in order to realise his stated dream of a United States of Africa, would need Africa's most powerful state on board - South Africa.
Now look at Zuma - a populist leader. Does Zuma show leadership, or he is a puppet? Has Zuma spoken authoritatively or taken a moral stance on Zimbabwe? I believe we will still rue the day that Mbeki left, as ineffectual as he was, he was still 'moral'.
clipped from

A mysterious report claims ANC deputy president Jacob Zuma is being bankrolled by Eduardo dos Santos and Muammar Gaddafi in a bid to oust President Thabo Mbeki.

The 17-page report, titled Special Browse "Mole" Consolidated Report and dated December last year, claims several African heads of state and political/military leaders have been alienated by South Africa's high-profile role in the African Union and the New Partnership for Africa's Development.

The report claimed that some of its information was sourced from the "DSO", an apparent reference to the Directorate of Special Operations (the Scorpions).

The document says a "well-sourced private-sector intelligence report" in the possession of the DSO alleges that some time in 2005 Dos Santos ordered the chief of Angola's external intelligence services, General Fernando Miala, to identify and report on ways in which Angola could provide support to Zuma and further his presidential aspirations.
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