Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Niehaus - lessons in con artistry

Meanwhile, the SA Institute of Race Relations warned that fraud and corruption within the African National Congress posed a threat to the rule of law in the country, Business Day reported.

"That the ANC was aware of the corrupt dealings of the man they appointed as their spokesperson to convey their election manifesto promise to act against corruption is beyond scandalous," the institute’s deputy CEO Frans Cronje was quoted as saying. - The

NVDL: This is a guess, but it seems to me Niehaus has defrauded a lot of people over a long period of time. He has conned his way into staying at Sun City, into holidaying in Mauritius, into staying in a nice Haus (defautling on rent after two months)...and one wonders whether his entire 'life' as a supposed ANC bigshot wasn't an attempt to silly sally the easy way into the lap of luxury.

I don't know his intentions, but it is interesting to what extent Niehaus used the church to 'borrow credibility' and 'buy sympathy' as a 'good man'. This is not necessarily because the church is credible (or a credible authority) but rather because its adherants are often gullible, and easy to fool, as Niehaus has amply demonstrated.
Playing on sympathies appears to be another tactic.
clipped from

Niehaus’ CV on the LitNet website states that he received his "doctorate" in theology summa cum laude from the University of Utrecht while he was ambassador.

Beeld reported that a journalist from its sister paper, Die Burger, last year asked Niehaus to clarify if he should be addressed as sir or doctor, to which he replied: "It does not really matter, but it is doctor."

According to another news report on Tuesday, Niehaus allegedly got the owner of an East London travel agency to pay upfront for a R100,000 holiday for himself and his family to Mauritius, and then never paid up.

Niehaus allegedly approached her six years ago and played on her sympathies by saying he had had cancer.

"He told me he had been ill with leukaemia, had chemotherapy and wanted a holiday for his wife and two children. He played on my emotions with his illness."

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