Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Niehaus - more lies and now a sex tape with Swedish sextuplets [HAYIBO]

The ANC has reportedly put pressure on Niehaus to provide full disclosure after the party became unsettled by claims he was making around the office that he had once wrestled a grizzly bear to death while making love to identical Swedish sextuplets. -
clipped from

PRETORIA. Disgraced former ANC spokesman Carl Niehaus admitted to yet more lies this morning, just hours after media claims that some of his qualifications had been faked. Speaking to journalists from inside the cardboard box he now calls home, Niehaus confessed that he is in fact Hestrie van Tonder, a 52-year-old divorced mother of four from Boksburg.

Niehaus' revelations have dominated national headlines this week, as first his financial dealings and then his tertiary qualifications were exposed.
The ANC has reportedly put pressure on Niehaus to provide full disclosure after the party became unsettled by claims he was making around the office that he had once wrestled a grizzly bear to death while making love to identical Swedish sextuplets.
"It sounded unlikely," said ANC spokesman Cremora Khumalo. "Four Swedish twins and a koala bear, perhaps. Maybe three and some sort of wolverine or badger if he'd warmed up properly beforehand. But not all six plus the grizzly."
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