Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Mandela's Support for Zuma reflects badly on Mandela Legacy

I suppose we have to remember that Nelson - the man - never himself endorses Zuma, but has more broadly endorsed the ANC. Technically yes. But in photographs you see him holding hands with Mr. Zuma, something that reminds somewhat of Mbeki holding hands with Mugabe. Let's not mess about - a politician, even if they don't use names or speak directly on a topic (as Clinton didn't on 'that woman' and the verboten words BLOW JOB) - if you're going to hold hands, that's support.

Disappointing Mr. Mandela. The ANC is not what it once was, and it could have used some of that Madiba backbone right now.
clipped from www.sowetan.co.za
Former president Nelson Mandela has endorsed the ANC election campaign. Mandela arrived at a rally in Idutywa, Eastern Cape, yesterday with the party president Jacob Zuma.

He was accompanied by his daughter Makaziwe and grandson Mandla.

Mandela waved to the 20 000 crowd and spoke briefly. “Despite the rain, you have all come here in numbers to show your commitment to the ANC,” he said. “Long live the ANC!”

Mandela’s appearance at yesterday’s rally is seen as a major boost for Zuma who is expected to be the country’s president, despite facing corruption charges related to the multi-billion arms deal. The ANC is widely expected to win the election but it faces a challenge from Cope.

“Nobody was aware that Nelson Mandela was going to be present” at the rally after he met with Zuma at his home in the region, said ANC spokesman Brian Sokutu.

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