Sunday, February 15, 2009

Joost - sies vir jou! [PICTURE]

While there is some argument whether the grainy images of the man is Joost, it's interesting that very few people have a problem with how this information came to light. The girl planet a video camera, and then sold the story to the newspapers. Is there not a right to privacy? Think about the laws and policies company's have which limit the rights of individuals to gossip about company goings on. How is this any different, other than to sell salaciousness at a profit. Sies vir ons!

Related: Joost: 'Dis nie ek nie, sy %$@# is groter as myne!"
Kenners sê dit is onmoontlik om te sê dit ís Joost op video

clipped from

Hy dra nie ’n trouring nie.

Terwyl Joost nog poedelnaak op die bank sit, begin hulle gesels. Sy sê vir hom dié sessie kos niks. “Ek weet. Dis hoekom ek verkies om vroue soos jy te ...’’ antwoord hy. Die laaste woord is onhoorbaar.

Joost kyk na die muurhorlosie en sê “ons moet nou gou maak. Ek moet huis toe gaan.’’

Dié video is volgens Rapport se betroubare inligting agt maande gelede opgeneem.

Joost het onlangs in ’n onderhoud met ’n Christelike webblad gesê hy is ’n kind van God en het nie “dwelms en ander twyfelagtige substances” nodig nie.

Die Van der Westhuizen-gesin verskyn dikwels in tydskrifte en advertensie-veldtogte as die toonbeeld van ’n gesonde, voortreflike gesin.

blog it


Anonymous said...

O please if it is Joost then so be it, who's not making money? now that this after all this time needs to surface. I can just imagine if I look at the girl in the pic he must be very hard-up she is urgggg and to trade Amor for that he must be fat deprived. Don't worry Joost it will blow over just as Patricia's did and the scandal with beloved Bles Bridges. It's all a who nailed who stund. Still a Fan.

Anonymous said...

Ag Joosie nou is Jy 'n regte celeb wie van hulle het nie so 'n tape gemaak nie. Armor nou wane maak jy een liefie

Anonymous said...

So, As dit NIE Joost is nie, hoekom hou hulle die tape gecensor????
Vra maar net.