Saturday, February 14, 2009

Lance Armstrong - uses Twitter, switches dope checkers

It's funny, the original dope-guy withdrew because he said there was this constant 'traffic jam' to get samples from Armstrong. Ridiculous.
clipped from
Oliver Catlin, who works with his father, Don, at the Los Angeles-based company Anti-Doping Research that his father started, said his father tried to begin collecting blood and urine samples from Armstrong at the Tour Down Under in Adelaide, Australia, last month.
"It was almost like a drug collectors' traffic jam several days," Oliver Catlin said.
Armstrong regularly uses Twitter for updates both about his training and his cancer organization, the Lance Armstrong Foundation, and earlier this week posted a Twitter message that doping control had come to see him for the 16th time this season.
"I think we will," Armstrong said. "As you know, what do you publish? Do you start publishing blood values? Ivan Basso is publishing his blood values. Say, for example, you go to altitude for a month. All of a sudden that blood value goes to 46 from 41, so you must have cheated. That's not normal.
Are you kidding me?
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These young cople now are having it tough why dont we show supprt instead of put down and saying how wrong it was, their loving child is here and they need all the support they can get. Allow them to raise their child the best the way they can with help I am sure we all made mistakes but children are never one of them.

From one of the Candaian citizen I am behind you all the way. Good luck and God Bless the families on both sides.