Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Lance Armstrong $10,000-plus time-trial bike - for sale here [$1000 ONCO]

I have Lance Armstrong's bike and can ship it internationally. Urgent sell!

Okay, bad joke. Whoever stole it should put it against a wall somewhere and drive off. It's no good to anyone but Lance. C'mon guys!

"Bad way to start the morning ... Bikes stolen from the truck last night," reads the Team Astana feed.

As the police began their investigation, the race rolled on with a 108-mile first stage from Davis to Santa Rosa.

Armstrong, 37, a seven-time Tour de France winner who is on the comeback trail after announcing his retirement in 2005, is the major attraction in the race.

The bikes were stolen from an unmarked truck parked in an alley behind a Sacramento hotel between 10 p.m. Saturday and 6:45 a.m. Sunday, when the theft was discovered, said officer Konrad Von Schoech, a spokesman for the Sacramento Police Department.

Armstrong posted a picture of the bike on his Twitter feed and wrote: "There is only one like it in the world therefore hard to pawn it off."

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