Monday, September 22, 2008

Top 10 Resume Mistakes

So you're an ass kicker. Did you communicate that in your CV?
1. Typos, bad English
2. Just the facts
3. Don't be passive
Can you shake things up, can you solve problems, will you walk into your job running? If you can - great - you're what your employee is looking for. The question is: have you communicated this with your CV?
Use: built, won, drove, inspired, sold. Don't use I.
4. Don't be vague
5. Customisation counts
6. Don't be dull
7. Don't be flabby
8. Mission statements
9. Design
Make your CV pleasing to the eye. How your CV is presented tells a story about you. Are you visually aware, do you care enough about the job to present the information well? Your CV is sending signals to your employer. Make sure they are the right ones.
10. Don't put it off
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