Sunday, September 21, 2008

85% Of Gas Stations In Nashville, TN Are Without Gas Right Now

The USA in the coming weeks is suffering a shortfall of 2-3 million barrels of crude. That is a lot. Shortages are already on the cards, as are premium gas prices (up to $5 in some areas). Oil prices have also begun a steady uptick.
clipped from

Based on what I am seeing now, we are likely to see significant gasoline outages in the next few weeks. These may not be as long-lasting as those with Katrina, but they may temporarily be more severe, at least in some parts of the country. Diesel may or may not be a problem. We are an exporter of diesel, so can theoretically reduce exports if need be. Also distillate (used for diesel) supplies are currently at a more adequate level than are gasoline supplies. Jet fuel stocks seem to be at a relatively adequate level, so shortages may not be a problem.

There have been reports of $5 gallon gasoline in Connecticut. One newspaper reports that 85% of Nashville gasoline stations are without gas now.

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