Saturday, September 27, 2008

Barry Ronge's Hansie Movie Review is Right On The Money

I've read Barry Ronge's review of the Hansie movie. Pretty good. I have one teensy bone to pick with Barry and that is he left the cinema before the end credits - missing arguably the best scenes.

But Barry does frame the story quite well, and doesn't muck around the way a lot of other movie reviewing hacks do with all the Hansie mud slinging. Barry elegantly cruises over that.

I was standing beside him at the buffet at one point, before the movie, about to ask him if the premise of this movie...if he thought it would work. As I opened my mouth some other guy butted in and so...never did ask.
Will the Hansie movie work? I think it may resonate with the Christian flocks. And it may do quite well in India. As I said in my review Hansie's not perfect, right in the beginning, the biggest flaw is Bertha's accent.

When you get a chance though, read what Barry has to say. I think it's astute and fair. Nice job.

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