Saturday, January 22, 2005

Bar One

They don't allow us to cycle in cyclse races with these aero bars. Too dangerous they say. I would have liked to have done a Eunice 130 Years bike race today, would have been good training, but Cyclopede said I can't shift my gear shifters on my bike. I am a triathlete I guess, not a cyclist, but I do love these road races.

This photo was taken back in J-Bay on the bike. I have since done a few cycles here in Bloem, the last was just 13km before my wheel finally flattened. Have rested for Free State Champs over the last day and a half.

Petro Carson has also diagnosed the pain in my left foot and lower leg as simply muscle weakness. 14 sessions, 6 weeks, and R1200 to put it back together again, and she says the Ironman is still possible, so that's good. Posted by Hello

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