Monday, April 27, 2009

#Swine Flu in France: Four Possible Cases in Paris and North of Paris

France advises travelers to Mexico to avoid large gatherings of people and adhere to basic hygiene measures such as washing hands with liquid soaps or alcohol-based lotions, as well as to air out rooms in which they’re staying.

SHOOT: The worst form they're referring to here is that it manifests as a cytokine storm. The body's immunity reacts, overreacts, which causes a massive build of of puss in the lungs and vital organs and overwhelms the body. They say the symptoms are vomitting and an upset stomach - actually it's a lot nastier than that.
clipped from

April 26 (Bloomberg) -- French health officials said
they’re studying four possible cases of swine flu in the north
of the country.

The World Health Organization yesterday called the outbreak
of swine flu from Mexico a “public health emergency of
international concern.” The virus is linked to 81 deaths in
Mexico, and 11 flu cases in the U.S., all of them mild, have
been connected as well.

“We’re probably seeing the tip of the iceberg,” Weber
said. The flu type looks to be “the worst form, it affects
people who are young and mostly in good health,” she said.

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