Wednesday, March 18, 2009

What sort of bikes would computers be? [WIRED PHOTOS]

NVDL: Clever article, nice angle.
clipped from

If computer operating systems were bikes, what bikes would they be?
The question is, of course, absurd — but that doesn’t mean it isn’t fun
to answer.

OS X = Fixie

Linux = Recumbent


The preserve of beardos everywhere, the recumbent cycle is the perfect example of function over form, only without the function part. Recumbents are hard to use, look awfully nerdy and are scary to the general public. In short, exactly the same as Linux.

Unix = Dutch Bike


This one was tricky — Unix can be so many things (it drives OS X and the iPhone, remember?) that you could pick almost any bike. In the end I went for the tried and true Dutch Bike (of which you see a fine example above — mine) to symbolize the rock-solid nature of the Unix OS.

Windows = Department Store Bike

This one might cause some fuss, but wait for the reasoning before you fire off an angry comment.

Windows, like a department store bike, is owned by everybody.
Try finding a cheap racer or Dutch bike if you don’t believe me.
 blog it

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