Tuesday, March 24, 2009

One thing is certain - our future is becoming increasingly and incredibly uncertain

Take the SEACOM cable connection in mid-2009. And the 2010 World Cup - two areas that can really boost the propsects for thousands of South Africans. But within our political context and crumbling service delivery (service delivery of good clean water, electricity, pothole free roads, crime free suburbs) none of those mean very much. The problem is that we are distracted by our wants, not by what ought to be our priorities. This is the cost of a consumer (selfish) society. We've lost the capacity to hold our own collective interests in high esteem, or to co-operatively make social changes. We even lost the capacity to influence the political process - even through the most basic means: voting. My impression are that votes are based on individual perceptions on 'what favours me' not 'how would my vote be a building block to a better country for all'.
clipped from colindaniels.co.za
Trend 11: Strong growth predicted over next 5 years
The fact remains that all the bandwidth in the world is pointless unless basic social and environmental factors are addressed such as literacy and access to reliable power.
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