Monday, August 14, 2006

The Dark Tide of War

Iran and mutually assured destruction on August 22, 2006
by Nick van der Leek

I may have been mistaken. I wrote an article stating that I doubted the Iranians were trying to build nuclear weapons since they have very real energy needs, and have IAEA officials in situ, studying every new development of their nuclear programme.

That doesn’t mean Iran may not buy bombs from somewhere else, or that they can, at any time, decide to use their nuclear material for bombs. The other danger is that in learning the expertise now, for enriching uranium, it becomes part of their expertise forever after.

I read an article by Bernard Lewis, who is an expert on Iran (titled: Does Iran have something in store?). He writes about MAD – mutual assured destruction, and rightly points out that it is this concept that has contrained opponents from using weapons of mass destruction during the Cold War and beyond, up to the present date. The troubling truth is that now MAD may not be enough. It may have reached its sell by date.

This is because of the world theory espoused by the current government of Iran. It’s very different to every other nuclear armed government, including Pakistan and India. Their view is apocalyptic in the same way the Jewish and Christian faiths have a built in end –game scenario. Christians subscribe to Armageddon and the anti-Christ in their end times scenario, and Shiite Muslims await the return of the Hidden Imam, according to Lewis, which ends in the ‘final victory of forces of good over evil’.

Lewis also points out that Iran’s leader, Ahmadinejad ‘clearly believe that…the terminal struggle has already begun…and is indeed well advanced’. This Iranian President has also referred specifically to a date: August 22. Lewis ponders the significance of this stated date, writing ‘…August 22 corresponds, in the Islamic calendar, to the 27th day of the month of Rajab of the year 1427.’ Muslims traditionally commemorate this day when the prophet Muhammad flew away on a winged horse to a faraway mosque (which many believe is Jerusalem), and then to heaven and back, according to the Koran (XVII.1).

Lewis believes that August 22 (and the beliefs associated with it) may well be seen by Ahmadinejad as ‘the appropriate date for the apocalyptic ending of Israel, and if necessary of the world.’ Lewis goes on to say that we cannot be certain that Ahmadinejad has plans for catastrophic events on August 22, but suggests that we be vigilant and at least aware of these relevant Muslim philosophies.

Lewis also quotes this alarming passage from a grade 11 schoolbook, first penned by the Ayatollah Khomeini. “I am decisively announcing to the whole world that if the world-devourers (infidel powers) wish to stand against our religion, we will stand against their whole world, and will not cease until the annihilation of all of them. Either we all become free, or we will go to the greater freedom which is martyrdom. Either we… [celebrate] the victory of Islam in the world, or all of us will turn to eternal life and martyrdom. In both cases, victory and success are ours.”

Bernard Lewis then illustrates an alarming outcome: “For people with this mindset, MAD (mutually assured destruction) is not a constraint; it is an inducement.”

If we consider how many martyrdom acts we’re seeing, and the vigor and enthusiasm in which these acts are perpetrated, it’s easier to understand the power of the mentality (espoused above) that supports this bloodthirsty behavior. I personally believe that the trends we’re seeing – in martyrdom operations everywhere – are accelerating in intensity and ferocity.

It is difficult to imagine how men and women ever managed to conjure up such a view of the world, and of life and death. Of course, it is extreme self justification, of one’s exclusive right to heaven and god, and all other people are subhuman. In fact, Muslims believe that even when they kill fellow Muslims (through collateral damage), these Muslims go straight to heaven, and everyone else goes straight to hell, and having been spared the burdens of martyrdom, these victims are really not victims at all, but ought to welcome their release from the sufferings of the Earth.

It is likely, given the current conflict in Northern Israel, that we will see more and more direct involvement from Iran. There can be no doubt that Iran is supporting Hezbollah. It is a matter of time before that support becomes more manifest. This will no doubt happen when Israel begins to move closer to overcoming Hezbollah.

Meanwhile Iran is faced with a choice. Which enemy do they wipe out first, as they begin to ‘stand against the whole world’ in the name if a victory for Islam? The little Satan (Israel) or the big Satan (the USA)? I agree with Lewis that it’s likely that as soon as they can get their hands on a nuclear warhead, they will point it in the direction of Israel. It’s also likely that North Korea or Pakistan have offered their hardware to Iran. And Israel has its own weapons poised and waiting in case of such an attack.

It’s chilling to think that, even with their awareness of mutually assured destruction, Iran may be mad enough to play their card and insodoing unleash the dark tide of war on the world. August 22 is more or less 1 week away.

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