Friday, September 23, 2005

34/5 De-Psycho

I asked a student to read the word 'disciple' and he said: "De-psycho". Wanted to role on the floor laughing.

I am still feeling swollen headed and cranky, body feels stiff and sore and nose is a bit clogged up. Not a serious sore throat, but starting to feel itchy.
Will rest up this weekend as much as possible.

The director is still conducting interviews. Seems he has been running interviews for more than 2 weeks now to replace Abraham, and no one seems keen to take the job.
I feel like slipping them tiny folded notes saying, "Beware."

When you read about the 100 mile traffic jams running out of Houston, and people unable to even escape their own city limits after more than 12 hours, you wonder how Americans in big cities would ever cope with an imminent terrorist attack. From where I'm standing, they'd be sitting ducks.

Rita should make landfall Friday night or Saturday morning. That's reality television with a sharp and unpleasant edge to it. Real people, really dying, and real damage, really done. There should be no fun in that, and little entertainment in that - just reality. And maybe it's something all can learn from.

These big storms do contribute one invaluable thing. A renewed sense of perspective, and a renewed sense of the place of people on this planet. We're not on the top. We're all on the same level. Ground level.

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