Thursday, September 29, 2005

32/4 Underwater Dreams

 Posted by PicasaOut of a host of images, the one I remember best is that a strong, young guy had attached himself with a rope to a turtle or some other large, powerful, fast moving swimming creature. The idea was that I had to hold onto him and hold my breath as we descended down and eventually would go through some underwater openings and manmade tunnels into some kind of structure. A shipwreck or something.
Not long after submerging, I just couldn't bear the thought of being pulled down so far, so fast, and not really knowing where I was going. So I let go of the rope. So much for being in the Now, even in my dreams.

Yesterday after filling up my waterbottle at school, I took a sip and then sniffed it. Smelt terrible. I thought it might be the water, but the water was crystal clear. Decided to throw away the bottle instead.
I've been using the same bottle over and over for weeks, but there was no sign of mould or anything like that. When I got home, I did the same thing with the bottle in my refrigerator. Same thing, so threw that one out too.

I may be writing an article on Peak Oil for a magazine. Will be getting the details shortly.

Watched The Brother's Grimm last night. Quite funny. The outlandish fantasy is what possibly fuelled the strange dreams. Need to get another chapter done of Heaven Can Wait/The Wound and the Wounded tonight.

First, school.

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