Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Running to work this morning was a lot tougher than I expected. I think the little backpack added that much extra weight which made a big difference - especially on the 1.5km long second uphill on Glenhove. I paced with an idling Hummer that was stuck in traffic. Quite funny that running you can get to work almost as fast as driving. Imagine if everyone went to work this way.

Think I ran the 5km in about 36 minutes. When I went into the building's shower area my engine just kept on revving. It took a long time for my heart rate to start slipping. Even after the shower when I sat down at my station, beads of sweat filmed on my forehead and knitted themselves together in a small, warm saltwatery worm.

At 10:30 Vlad and I had a meeting with Webmail CEO, Jeff Ellis. Very interesting swap of ideas actually.

Last night Oprah chatted about The Secret. She said something vital: make your life about letting yourself be who you are, not getting what you haven't got. So many people - me included - kick against the current of their own lives. Not life, but the flow that is engered into ourselves; go with who you are. Your passion. Your love. Setting your spirit free. So many of us get caught up in what we don't want.
We need to start paying attention to what we do want.

Here's an easy way to do that. Make a list of the things you don't want. For me that's:

Being lonely
Finding oneself married and that I or my partner is 'defective'
Being unattractively fat
Not succeeeding financially
Being a mediocre sportsperson
Being perceived as mean
Being essentially disconnected (to family and friends)
Going nowhere and floundering in a meaningless life.

Okay, now make your list. Once done (and make it as long as you can, generate a list of polar opposites. So based on the above, what I really want is:

Have a sense of relationship with those around me
Find a strong, talented, beautiful partner - a real human being/Be all those qualities yourself
Get fit, and wiry-strong
Work towards a house and a disciplined approach to work, investments and spending
Pursue excellence/excellent performances in - The Ironman, the Argus, The Epic, OFM race, marathons, triathlons etc.
Be less sensitive to others who are insensitive. Nastiness is often just self-centredness
Be open and accessible, make as many invitations as you accept from others
Find meaningful things to do, and do them purposefully

The secret is that we already know who we are; we're just to chicken shit to move forward with who we are. But when you know who you are (and that just requires tyou quietly settle into your skin, feel your spirit - you can do that right now) it's absurd not to be who you are, and not do all those things you know you must do.

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