Saturday, December 13, 2008

Blogging/Citizen Journalism for Money

I predict that as Media Companies struggle, Citizen Journalism will thrive as a sort of Budget/No Frills version of Big Media.

Good journalsust will always have jobs though, the rest will have to muck it out on the floor like a bunch of squabbling chickens, but at least the news will be cheap again - and in many cases free.
I’ve submitted over 230 and earned – hold your breath – over W1.3 million. Relax, that’s about R10 000 over an extended length of time. But at W20 000 (R149) per story, you get rewarded for quality, and incidentally, being more ‘international’, they HAVE had contributors who’ve been picked up by TIME.
Another site that you may not have heard of is Metacafe. It’s basically a You Tube-that-pays. It probably gets less stuff submitted, but it is certainly a site worth visiting. They pay you based on pay-per-view ($5 for every 1000 Views). If you think you can’t make money, ask the guys who walk away with $30 000 (some videos get over a million hits).
*My most popular story on Ohmynews received 14 498 hits, and was titled
 blog it

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