Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Have you been inspired by a friend, colleague, caregiver or relative in their fight against cancer?

SHOOT: If you're one of 28 million people around the world who have fought the cancer fight, share your experience by creating a dedication page.

LANCE ARMSTRONG: The idea behind the dedication book is simple: I’m asking that you honor someone who has inspired you – a friend, a child, a caregiver – by creating a simple page that can inspire others to add their name to your page and our movement. We'll collect these pages into the world's largest dedication book and deliver them to leaders around the world. By sharing the stories of those who are fighting or have fought this disease and those they have touched, we’ll make a strong case for greater attention and resources focused on the global fight against cancer.
Create a personal dedication page for someone who inspires you to fight cancer. It might be a person you know who fought or is fighting cancer or a person who supported your fight.

We'll collect these pages into the world's biggest dedication book and deliver them to the leaders around the world. We'll use these inspiring stories to press for serious action to slash cancer deaths around the world.

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