Wednesday, July 29, 2009

CONTADOR: "Even if Armstrong is a great champion I have never had admiration for him and I never will."

SHOOT: To win the Tour de France you need a delicate balance of humility [for the hard work involved] and arrogant confidence - to take on the challenge and the challengers. Lance has learned humility, Contador seems to have become arrogant rather quickly. 2010 might prove otherwise. These comments from AC will only inspire Lance to kick his arse.
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Alberto Contador

The animosity between Tour de France winner Alberto Contador and team-mate Lance Armstrong continues to smoulder after Armstrong used Twitter to warn Contador to "drop this drivel".

Armstrong, who finished the race third, was responding to his Astana team-mate's comments during a press conference yesterday, at which the Spaniard told reporters his relationship with Armstrong was "non-existent".

"It was a delicate situation, tense, the two riders who had most weight on the team did not have an easy relationship and that puts the rest of the technical staff and the riders in an uncomfortable position," said the 26-year-old, who also won the Tour in 2007.

He compared their relationship to that of Formula One drivers Fernando Alonso and Lewis Hamilton during their contentious season at McLaren in 2007.

On Tuesday Armstrong responded via his Twitter account.

"Seeing these comments from AC. If I were him I'd drop this drivel and start thanking his team. w/o them, he doesn't win." He added:
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