Wednesday, August 17, 2005

39/3 Sparks Fly

The cicadas are frying outside. It's another day hot enough to melt the toothpaste on your toothbrush into slimy gloop.

At school today I needed to make photocopies. The machine wasn't on so I hit the 'on' switch. That didn't work. Noticed it was connected to a portable fuse box, about the size of a shoebox, and with a gauge to show voltage.
So I flicked the switch. I heard a rattlesnake hiss, a puff of smoke, flashes of blinking yellow and the unmistakable aroma of charred wires needled into my nostrils.
I looked around, expecting the whole building's lights to go out. I was silently surprised that the light in the room I was standing in, that it was still on.
After a short time out, I told Sharon about it.
Didn't really know what to expect.
I guess it must have happened a few times, because the director took it in his stride. No tantrums whatsoever.

In retrospect I think it was a cunning move to not go directly to the director. If I had it's possible I would not have collected $200, and I'd probably have to go straight to jail and miss three rounds. Hearing bad news from your fiance means its never that bad.

Did anyone read the post below titled: War On This World? Sharon has a deep cut on her finger which has an infection, and she said that tomorrow they will decide whether or not to amputate it. She wasn't made up for the first time today, no make up at all. She said she wasn't feeling well. I hope she beats the infection.

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