Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Day 23 (60) Limits

 Posted by PicasaIt's raining pigs and frogs, and it's an incredible 20 C. That's an about turn from just a week ago. Good news for those in the southern hemisphere:

Warm weather is on the way.

Swim: 1:10 (at least half an hour spent talking to people in the pool)
Distance: 2km
250m: 3:16 (2 seconds off best)

I cheated a bit on this one. I pushed off during the rest interval, when the pool was empty. I went very hard, and felt the strain in the last three lengths. I've definitely lost swimming fitness. What can one expect when you miss a week of training!
Arms and in fact whole body felt really exhausted today. I was feeling waves and waves of noradrenalin on the bus, sending me off to sleep. Took a strong act of will not to get off the bus where and just go home and sleep.

I always feel better after a swim, and this swim I tried to not take too seriously. Ee Sung Hee came at one point, with Sehwe. They've both started doing XTerra (offroad triathlon) and Sehwe has some scabs and cuts to prove it. She's staying with Ee Sung Hee's family.

I asked Sehwe to find a good deal for me for a flight to South Africa. SAA quoted a three month ticket at W1.1m and a 1 year ticket at W1.4m. Must say I am surprised, given the oil setup, that it's not more like W1.6/W1.7m.

I also heard that Pete's quit his job at Metropolitan, and a lot of others have too.
And I went onto the the Korea Ironman website ( and looked at the starters list. I see Glen Gore is the third name in the elite section. He's probably South Africa's next best triathlete, and is probably getting inspiration from Raynard's run off perfect performances. I hope he wins this one.

When I got out the pool I got on the scale:


Shocking and demoralising, especially after the 18km run on Monday. Not sure what is happening. I'm not eating icecream and pizza every day. Today I did eat pizza at school though. The director ordered pizza for everyone (a first) so I had two pieces and some coke). That's hardly enough to add almost 2kg to my previous weight.
Will have to run at least two more times this week.

Bought some stuff at C4 and walked the rest of the way home, between all the pigs and frogs. Quite beautiful really. Almost deserted, and the walkways are just endless pimples of glistening black rain.

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