Friday, August 26, 2005

38/5 Bounce

 Posted by PicasaI'm not feeling very bouncy. Because I have been making an effort to both save and stay in shape, and these seem to be my most urgent priorities, it's demoralising to have what seem like significant setbacks in the same week, on both fronts.

In terms of fitness, I weighed myself earlier this week and my weight had gravitated to 84.6kg (a few weeks ago I was saying that I have never weighed more than 80kg).
In terms of finance, despite doing things like giving up a holiday trip, having fiscally conservative weekends and so on, it was a real shock getting not one but two electricity bills (despite making almost daily checks into my mailbox) and then discovering that the bills were about 4 times higher than I'd anticipated.

This not the only thing behid this despondency. If there is a way to make anyone miserable, it's to deprive them of sleep for an extended period of time. Do I only have myself to blame? Probably. The problem is my body rhythm is set to sleep at 7am. This means, despite being extremely tired or exhausted, my body clock just won't let me shut down before then.

If you want to improve your life, you've got to focus on what you can do, not on what's wrong.
One of the things I have been focussing on are the consequences of Peak Oil. I'm a pragmatist, but also a realist, and the future, looks very very challenging.
Last night I had such a bad nightmare I woke up covered in sweat. I can't remember exactly what was in it, except that I was being pursued by a Force of Evil.

So what can I do:
Run three times a week, and try to enjoy it. Run twice a day when there's enough energy.
Do other outdoor activities that are fun, like rollerblading.
Eat less meat.

Get started on the 2-3 new private projects already on the cards.
Don't make any big purchases.
Cook food at home, don't eat out.
Use the air conditioner as little as possible.

Simple rule: When the sun is up, don't sleep, when it's down, prepare for bed.
Set limits on time spent writing 'Heaven Can Wait'.
Use the computer less, and when sleepy, don't stay up watching TV.

Set some goals for things you enjoy, and can look forward to.
Be in a mindset of do, not don't do. If you're walking around going, I mustn't eat icecream, I mustn't eat icecream, you probably should. Just to release the do in you.

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