Sunday, August 28, 2005

What exactly are we fighting for?

 Posted by PicasaLee Shelton: If winning the "war on terror" means losing our freedom, then what exactly are we fighting for?

Contrary to popular belief, tyranny isn't limited to Third World dictatorships. While Bush, Rumsfeld and Cheney are deciding when and where to strike next, the freedoms of U.S. citizens are being eroded.

We have the PATRIOT Act which makes every American a potential terrorist suspect. Campaign Finance Reform is crushing freedom of speech. Washington bureaucrats want your children to undergo mandatory mental health screenings. Thanks to the Real ID Act, we will all be forced to carry national ID cards. The Bush administration talks about fighting terrorists "over there," but has done nothing to secure our borders over here. You'd think that the neocons would at least feign interest in fighting to maintain the same liberties here at home they claim to be fighting for everywhere else in the world.

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