Tuesday, October 20, 2009

nine things that zap your vitality and how to get it back

SHOOT: Great article. Clutter in general I think is a big one. Think advertising, but also in one's personal space. But being wired to every single significant and insignificant message has got to be the worst.
clipped from health.yahoo.com

It's 3 p.m.--do you know where your energy's gone? You probably expect to feel that late-afternoon drag, but you don't always have to. Turns out, some of your regular habits may be sneakily zapping your zip. Fix some or all of these energy stealers, and you just may be feeling brighter this afternoon.

Energy Zapper #1: Being Addicted to E-mail
Isn't being wired to the hilt--e-mail, voice mail, IM, BlackBerry--supposed to boost productivity, freeing up your energy? More often, the opposite is true.
Energy Zapper #2: Visual Clutter
Energy Zapper #3: Being Bored
Energy Zapper #4: Poor Posture
Energy Zapper #5: Toxic Indoor Air
Energy Zapper #6: Eating Too Much at Once
Energy Zapper #7: Living in Artificial Light
Energy Zapper #8: Listening to Negative Nellies
Energy Zapper #9: Holding a Grudge
"Resentment is a huge drain physically as well as mentally," says Dr. Lipman.
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