Monday, November 26, 2007

ALERT: National Weather Warning

Scattered thundershowers with isolated significant falls of rain (20 to 30MM) are likely in the Eden District in the morning.

Gale fore south-westerly winds (65km/h) with rough seas are expected on the KwaZulu-Natal south coast by this afternoon, spreading northwards this evening.

NVDL: Quite a disturbing picture in the Sunday Times under the story: FLEEING THE FLOODS. The Curland Polo Estate entirely submerged under water as the Keurbooms swelled so much that the sea and river estaury essentially fused. A weather station near George recorded 458mm in 48 hours. Craig Lambinon was quoted as saying: "This is the worst flooding we've ever seen."

Altogether now: "I wonder, do you think this has got anything to do with Climate Change?" Think it might be happening? Let's wait for the next storm to the ask that question again.

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