Friday, September 01, 2006


Got a call today from Prof Greyling saying my letter (about the unhelpful Professor Factory) has gone all the way to the Dean and the student body and there are some legal implications too. I actually spoke to her on Wednesday, asking her when the tests were marked, and if they were marked. She immediately flushed, and kept saying, "Possibly." When I asked if she could guess when my tests would be available she said they'd been given to someone else, and she didn't know who. She didn't seem to know anything. Very unhelpful again.

Meanwhile I seem to have lost my touch with - very few articles published this week, and those that were were pretty much in the fineprint text at the bottom.
I can't say that I've been providing news for them though. There were riots at the university yesterday (after an all white student body was chosen - but what can you expect if no blacks vote or stand for election) and I didn't cover that - but then I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary when I atteded my class (except that the lecturer had forgotten the code to exit the building, so we had lectures in his office).

There is apparently no 10km race up Naval Hill tomorrow. Maybe I'll go for an early morning swim at Virgin Active or something. Or maybe quickly go to Kloppers to fetch a camera casing.

Have a party and prefect awards at the hostel tonight. I think they're going to be braaiing. Thought I'd miss that by going with Ina somewhere this weekend but have somehow suckered myself into being tied down, even on Saturday morning.

Spoke to some Taiwanese students in the hall. About Taiwan and Asian culture. Quite interesting. Outside a bunch of kids and a few teachers were planting trees for Arbor Day.
Some of the lady teacher's have dressed really attractively today. Especially the brunette who teaches next to my class, and Lynn's daughter (who is still skipping the EAL classes at Varsity).

Glad the week is wrapping up, but have a pile of things to do:

The bad:
Marking assignments, informal tests and test.

Not so bad:
Doing three assignments for literature and Idealogy

Photosession with Jean Marie tomorrow. That should be fun.

Image courtesy

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