Thursday, September 14, 2006

I Have This

This handset it 12.9mm wide, and has a 3megapixel camera. It's really like a little magic box, because you touch something and yellow circles flame on the screen. After using the most basic Nokia model, this handset feels like I've been beamed up into the Enterprise. The LCD flowers with beautiful color, and instead of irritating beeps, a trickling piano melody woke me up this morning.
Some nice touches, like the camera - Thanks, but I think I stick to my Sony 7Meg camera for the photos.

I've taken some nice shots of the conference so far. So far I have this sort of buzzing headache from information overload. I want to take a picture of Mushy Peas - who is quite a hottie incidently. I think a cigarette between her lips (freshly painted in shiny red lipstick) ought to work, without giving away exactly what she looks like.

Some very interesting information and also I've also jotted down some interesting websites and blogs that I would not have known about otherwise.

I think I am going to watch THANK YOU FOR SMOKING tonight. Not sure if I can handle another night of second hand smoke and alchohol fumes. It's the noise - it reminds me too much of the mayhem of teaching.

"We all have the ability to commit acts of journalism" - Don Gillmor

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