Wednesday, March 22, 2006


(The photo above was taken during a timetrial over the weekend on the Dewetsdorp Road. It's not me).

My legs are still aching from a light (I thought)workout at Virgin Active on Sunday. I did a few leg raises (while lying on my back) and it seemed like my leg muscles have atrophied quite a lot - because I was only lifting about 30kg.

Did some other stuff as well, maybe I didn't realise how hard I was pushing myself. Cycled today with Vic. Felt pretty hard to me. A few times he settled on his tribars and simply pulled away from me.

Cycle: 1:21
Distance: 43.6km
Speed (ave): 32.3km/h (same as Argus)
1335 kcal
Time per km: 1:51

Yesterday I cycled 1:09, and just 28km, but with a few climbs thrown in. Benedictus got a flat early on and then I headed to varsity for two classes that didn't exist.

It's raining now. Just had coffee with Fransa, quite enjoyable, and over a cuppa Corneli called. She's bought a Corsa lite for herself.

Life at home is not so great. Feeling fairly stressed, but trying to get the urgent things done. Am considering starting up my own newspaper, a rival for The Friend. Will start working on that plan. A few assignments to do for tomorrows tutorials. Will get started on those later tonight.
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