Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Wanted: 5 Ghost Bloggers

Tenders are hereby issued (why the formal tone I wonder) for at least 5 ghost bloggers to Casper their way around this site during the day. Ideally you are:

- a student
- a housewife
- a regular visitor to this blog
- you have contributed material already to this (or other blogs)
- experienced at blogging
- a writer (and at least one other person believes you are too ;-)
- generally dissatisfied with the news and
- urgently driven by the many crucial issues of our time
- interested in being part of the solution
- motivated
- action-oriented and altruistic (and your lifestyle is already evidence of this)

Also, preference will be given to candidates with no affiliation to Media Companies, such as student freelancers, as well as netizens operating beyond the borders of South Africa.

This blog has no employment equity goals, and as such, candidates will be chosen based on merit, rather than nepotism, reverse racism or any other form of prejudice.

The stated goal of this blog is to reinforce some basic, but sorely lacking truths in society:

Nature (our connections to each other, and the living and non-living resources of our planet)
Virtue (the ability to be good, and do good in spite of human nature, and in spite of an overarching paradigm known as what's-in-it-for-me and how-can-I-get-what-I-want whatever the cost to those less fortunate than me
Discipline (the ability to exert a consistent effort in service of a worthy goal, and a goal that extends beyond oneself)
Logic (the ability to reason and operate beyond ordinary human complacency, ignorance, ego-serving and stupidity).


On a daily basis, and in all walks of life, it is becoming increasingly apparent that our collective delusions are getting us into serious trouble.

This blog aims, in some small part, to remedy this, even if just to prepare us psychologically for what comes next. It also aims to serve as a record of our march through time, and in some aspects, the private and personal experiences of one Nick van der Leek in his attempt to bring reality to the human condition (I amwell aware that most people cannot tolerate too much reality), and then, to address the increasing lack of manners in ordinary human intercourse.

If you have something to say in response to this, or want to add your R2000 worth, email me right now at nickvanderleek@gmail.com. All blog posts not authored by me will be reflected on the site, and accountability for controversial remarks made in this online space - obviously - rests with the writer thereof, just as it does in the real world. The possibility for remuneration (for blogging on this site) exists, but for now, all efforts are voluntary.

Disclaimer: All posts made by ghost bloggers do not necessarily represent the views of NVDL or Nick van der Leek.

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