Tuesday, May 20, 2008

These Thoughts Bear Further Scrutiny

Superficiality is the mindless repetition of jargon, buzzwords and technical language. It is the uncritical quoting of sources, and even the use, as is, of press releases received from PR agencies.

Journalists exhibit superficiality because they lack zeal for the subjects covered, or their imaginations have failed them, and because too often they have no passion for their craft, be it broadcasting or print journalism. That’s either because they are in the wrong profession or they have fallen out of love with it. - Reg Rumney commenting on boring busines writing.

NVDL: In a general sense journalists often do not offer insights or interpretation because of their superficial interest in their stories, and a fear of additional commitment to them (particularly if these insights turn out to be inaccurate). What remains is often a failure of commitment, and meaning and usefulness in the message. Can information without meaning and use be called news today?

Diesel has taken centre stage in the world energy crunch as tight power supplies in China, South Africa, Chile, Argentina and parts of the Middle East triggered a boom in demand for middle distillates for electric generators. -
NVDL: so one breakdown in supply sets off a boom and a pending breakdown in the next.

Weakness in housing was cited as the factor most responsible for the US economy's troubles. That was closely followed by credit problems and high energy, food and commodity prices.

What makes matters truly eerie is that the "bubble" in suburban houses has occurred at exactly the moment in history when the chief enabling resource for suburban life -- oil -- has entered its scarcity stage.
The logical conclusion of all this is not what the American public wants to hear: we have become a much poorer society and are now faced with the unavoidable task of making major changes in how we live. All the three-card-monte moves at the highest level of finance lately amount to an effort to avoid the unavoidable, acknowledging our losses.
- James Kunstler

Indian vigilantism on the rise

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